Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So in the past few months, ive been invited to facilitate in a couple trainings set up by USaid. They have been good. Made me feel like i was actually doing something. The first two were for training untrained community school teachers and head teachers, while the other was for training teachers on the ipod which would be given to community schools to enable them to access the iri (interactive radio instruction) program called learning at taonga market. Iri is broadcasted by numerous radio stations throughout zambia with most being through community radio stations in the towns like mkushi, the closest town from me. The problem is that not every radio station has a good signal radius so some schools cannot access the program. So for those schools in some districts, they are given an ipod so they can still play the program and conduct the lessons.

Right now, im sitting in the masansa zone workshop for the iripod training. There are about thirteen schools here with most having two teachers each crammed into a small room. One of these days ill describe a zambian workshop, but right now i should stay positive. I will say that most zambians need a workshop in time management! I wasnt always the best with time management, but i think being here has made me so much more mindful of time!

So i stopped right there because i dont really want to put my opinion on this whole thing. If you really want to know my opinion, you can ask.

But at this point i am really happy to have been given the opportunity to facilitate in the workshops. A lot of the time i feel like masansa isnt taking advantage of my skills and so i dont really do any work but just hang out in the village. I think i need to put up the whole note about my opinions not reflecting the opinions of the united states peace corps before i write about work subjects.

So i think im going to watch these clouds roll in and enjoy the rest of the sun for the day!

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